Sansevieria Fernwood Mikado

from $8.00

6” Sansevieria Fernwood

A plant with attitude and flare! Rounded leaves grow in all directions. Super easy to care for and an excellent air purifier that adds an architectural spin to any space.

  • LIGHT: Medium to Bright indirect light is best. Can tolerate lower light.

  • WATER: Let dry out between waterings. In low light water less. Do not over water.

Contactless delivery available in SF, Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley, Albany and Alameda. Free for orders over $30. $15 delivery fee for elsewhere in the Bay. Pick ups can be arranged in West Oakland.

Pick Me!

6” Sansevieria Fernwood

A plant with attitude and flare! Rounded leaves grow in all directions. Super easy to care for and an excellent air purifier that adds an architectural spin to any space.

  • LIGHT: Medium to Bright indirect light is best. Can tolerate lower light.

  • WATER: Let dry out between waterings. In low light water less. Do not over water.

Contactless delivery available in SF, Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley, Albany and Alameda. Free for orders over $30. $15 delivery fee for elsewhere in the Bay. Pick ups can be arranged in West Oakland.

6” Sansevieria Fernwood

A plant with attitude and flare! Rounded leaves grow in all directions. Super easy to care for and an excellent air purifier that adds an architectural spin to any space.

  • LIGHT: Medium to Bright indirect light is best. Can tolerate lower light.

  • WATER: Let dry out between waterings. In low light water less. Do not over water.

Contactless delivery available in SF, Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley, Albany and Alameda. Free for orders over $30. $15 delivery fee for elsewhere in the Bay. Pick ups can be arranged in West Oakland.

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Philodendron Cordatum
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