*Rare* Variegated String of Hearts

from $18.00
sold out

4” Variegated String of Hearts shown

A very rare beautiful trailing plant, the Variegated String of Hearts has thick little heart shaped leaves. Locally grown. The soil has a thick layer of moss growing on top. Suggest repotting in Spring.

  • LIGHT: Very bright indirect light. Can tolerate a bit of morning direct sunlight.

  • WATER: Prone to root rot, so water sparingly. Let the soil completely dry out between watering. Water even less in the winter.

  • TEMPERATURE: Does not like cold drafts. Prefers a warm spot that doesn’t go below 60 degrees.

  • FERTILIZER: Feed once a month with a diluted liquid fertilizer during spring and summer.

  • TIPS: Only repot during the growing season.

Contactless delivery available in SF, Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley, Albany and Alameda. Free for orders over $30. $15 delivery fee for elsewhere in the Bay. Pick ups can be arranged in Oakland.

Pick Me!

4” Variegated String of Hearts shown

A very rare beautiful trailing plant, the Variegated String of Hearts has thick little heart shaped leaves. Locally grown. The soil has a thick layer of moss growing on top. Suggest repotting in Spring.

  • LIGHT: Very bright indirect light. Can tolerate a bit of morning direct sunlight.

  • WATER: Prone to root rot, so water sparingly. Let the soil completely dry out between watering. Water even less in the winter.

  • TEMPERATURE: Does not like cold drafts. Prefers a warm spot that doesn’t go below 60 degrees.

  • FERTILIZER: Feed once a month with a diluted liquid fertilizer during spring and summer.

  • TIPS: Only repot during the growing season.

Contactless delivery available in SF, Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley, Albany and Alameda. Free for orders over $30. $15 delivery fee for elsewhere in the Bay. Pick ups can be arranged in Oakland.

4” Variegated String of Hearts shown

A very rare beautiful trailing plant, the Variegated String of Hearts has thick little heart shaped leaves. Locally grown. The soil has a thick layer of moss growing on top. Suggest repotting in Spring.

  • LIGHT: Very bright indirect light. Can tolerate a bit of morning direct sunlight.

  • WATER: Prone to root rot, so water sparingly. Let the soil completely dry out between watering. Water even less in the winter.

  • TEMPERATURE: Does not like cold drafts. Prefers a warm spot that doesn’t go below 60 degrees.

  • FERTILIZER: Feed once a month with a diluted liquid fertilizer during spring and summer.

  • TIPS: Only repot during the growing season.

Contactless delivery available in SF, Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley, Albany and Alameda. Free for orders over $30. $15 delivery fee for elsewhere in the Bay. Pick ups can be arranged in Oakland.

Neoregelia Sibella
*Rare* Variegated String of Pearls
from $15.00
sold out
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, Monstera Minima *RARE*
from $15.00
sold out
Green Gossip
Tradescantia Nanouk Tricolor
from $8.00