Clover Arrangement

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Rich purple and green clovers dance around the beautiful gray white dusty miller. The pot is the same colors making it the perfect match. Cyclamen bulbs will emerge in the winter for a fun surprise. A great arrangement for a table top or to liven up a deck or front door. These plants can live indoors or outside. Excellent gift idea too!

LIGHT: Bright direct sunlight for a least a few hours a day.

WATER: Likes to stay evenly moist. Water every other to every few days. Outdoors only.

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Rich purple and green clovers dance around the beautiful gray white dusty miller. The pot is the same colors making it the perfect match. Cyclamen bulbs will emerge in the winter for a fun surprise. A great arrangement for a table top or to liven up a deck or front door. These plants can live indoors or outside. Excellent gift idea too!

LIGHT: Bright direct sunlight for a least a few hours a day.

WATER: Likes to stay evenly moist. Water every other to every few days. Outdoors only.

Rich purple and green clovers dance around the beautiful gray white dusty miller. The pot is the same colors making it the perfect match. Cyclamen bulbs will emerge in the winter for a fun surprise. A great arrangement for a table top or to liven up a deck or front door. These plants can live indoors or outside. Excellent gift idea too!

LIGHT: Bright direct sunlight for a least a few hours a day.

WATER: Likes to stay evenly moist. Water every other to every few days. Outdoors only.

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